Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hard Work!

Field herping is hard work! It is a lot of hours in the hot sun rummaging through prickly shrubs, walking long distances with sometimes little to no pay out. This next picture is one such example of that. It was early in the spring so I was taking a chance to begin with, but I was antsy to get out of my couped up house and find my first herps of the year. I started my trek early hoping to find some newly emerged Garters basking in the sun on the rocks, but to no avail. I had been out for hours and not even a sighting. My frustration was high and my patience was low when all of the sudden I came into a clearing and found this.....

These were the only two signs of life I saw that day, I am glad I found them together. Just a reminder that you don't always find what you are expecting to find. I believe Forrest Gump said it best when he said something like "........ happens!"


Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

I'm laughing. So true!!

Ap said...

It's hard work but someone's got to do it!

AmbertheGreat said...

what is field herping and what is on that rock???????????????

Into the Wilder said...

Sorry I should have clarified. Field herping is when you take your love of reptiles, amphibians, and photography into the wild and see what you can find. Those are caterpillars and that "rock" came out of the south end of a cow.

AmbertheGreat said...

Thanks for the clarification :)

You enjoy looking at Crow POOP?????

meagan said...

Those are caterpillars? I thought THOSE were what came out of the south end of something.

my bad...